Oko posmatraca, treci post:
Hipoteticka situacija: devojka dolazi kod momka posle dugog "radnog" dana. On je i pored svog dugog radnog dana nasmejan jer je jedva docekao da vidi svoju devojku. Ona, sa druge strane, je namrstena, sve je nervira i jedva je docekala da se istrese na nekome. On zeli da je poljubi, ali ona pomera glavu u stranu, jer kome je do poljubaca kad ima bitnijih stvari kao sto su vecera, telefoniranje i gledanje omiljene spanske serije? U tom trenutku on, slep za njeno sikaniranje, prinosi sve sto joj treba ukljucujuci i njene roze pufnaste papuce. Da li se ovo stvarno deslio? Da li je neko prisustvovao ovom istorijskom trenutku? Da li je lik bio svestan da svojim akcijama zigose hiljade muskaraca na planeti? Najverovatnije nikad necemo saznati. U svakom slucaju, mit je rodjen.
Postoji jedan u svakom drustvu. Vecina muskaraca je iskusilo to. Slep za sve osim za potrebe svoje lepse polovine. Papucar u svakom smislu te reci. Papucar voli svoju devojku vise nego sto ona voli njega. Papucar voli svoju devojku daleko vise nego sto voli sebe. Devojka mu je na prvom, drugom i trecem mestu. Daleko ispred njegovih prijatelja, porodice i naravno njegovih sopstvenih potreba koje ona, za razliku od njega, konstantno zanemaruje. Ali sve to njemu nije bitno. Jer bilo sta sto dolazi od nje, pa makar i gazenje, njega cini srecnim. Ali, da li je on stvarno srecan? Zar ne moze da sagleda stvari objektivno? Zar ne vidi da se ponasa kao da mu je neko isprao mozak? Zar ne vidi da biva iskoriscen na najbezobrazniji moguci nacin? Zar ga nije briga sto se udaljuje od svojih najblizih prijatelja?
Ako si papucar evo ti par jednostavnih saveta kako da ispostujes I drugove I devojku:
-ako te ortaci negde pozovu i unapred se zna da ce biti samo musko drustvo, nemoj da povedes devoku
-ako te devojka pozove da izadjete, nemoj da vodis drugove osim ako nije u pitanju drugi par
-ako vec imas dogovor sa drugovima, nemoj da ga ih ispalis jer te je devojka pozvala negde
-ako imas dogovor sa devojkom, nemoj da je ispalis jer te drugovi zovu negde
-ako znas da ces biti u mesovitom drustvu, mozes da pozoves i devojku i drugove
Naravno, ko je zaljubljen spreman je da radi svasta za devojku. I to u redu. Ako posle nekog vremena vidis da devojka ne ceni tvoje postupke prestani da budes mekusac i prestani da je tretiras kao da je ispala iz raja. Ocigledno je harpija ispala sa razlogom. Ako nesto ne tolerisem to su glupih ljudi, a oni bezobrazni su sigurno sledeci na listi. Samim tim sto si prestao da je tretiras kao princezu, ona ce ili: A - konacno poceti da se ponasa normalno, ili B - ostaviti te i naci nekog drugog idiota koji za razliku od tebe nema kicmu. U svakom slucaju da bi devojku tretirao kao princezu, mora da BUDE princeza, a ne neki robovlasnik.
Za kraj ostaje pitanje sta raditi sa onima koji su sami po sebi papucari i od normalnih devojaka naprave ovakve idiote? Zene su neverovatna bica, ali imaju jednu fatalnu manu. Ne mogu same po sebi da budu toliko lose, koliko mogu da dozvole muskarcu da ih pokvari. I onda je sve "panta rei". Zacarani krug.
Eye of the beholder, post three:
Hypothetical situation: a girl walks in her boyfriends home after, lets say, long day at work. Hes smiling despite his tiring long day, because he waited all day to see her. She ,on the other hand, is frowned, everything irritates her and cant wait to release her stress on someone. He goes for a kiss but she turns her head. Who wants to kiss when theres more important stuff like dinner, making phone calls and watching her favorite soap opera? Hes blind for her lack of appreciation, and he brings her everything she needs including her fluffy pink slippers. Did this ever really happened? Did someone witness this historic moment? Was this guy aware hes branding millions of men on the planet? We'll probably never know. In any case, a myth was born.
Theres one in every group of friends. Most men have experienced it. Men blind for everything else except their girlfriends needs. Men that are "whipped" in every sense of the word. A whipped man loves his girlfriend more then she loves him. A whipped man has far more love love for his girlfriend then for himself. His girlfriend comes first, second and third for him. Far more important then his friends, family and of course his own needs that she, unlike him, constantly disregards. But all that doesn't matter to him. Because everything that comes from her makes him happy, even if it means letting her walking all over him. But is he truly happy? Cant he see things objectively? Cant he see that hes behaving like hes brainwashed? Cant he see that hes being used in the most insolent way? Doesn't he care that hes drifting away from his closest friends?
If you are whipped heres a few advices on how to keep respecting your friends AND your girlfriend:-if you make plans to go out with your bros and its gonna be "men-only", don't bring your girlfriend-if you make plans with your girlfriend, don't bring anyone else unless its another couple-if you already made plans with your bros, don't stand them up just because you girl wants you to come see her-if you already made plans with your girl, don't stand her up just because your bros want you to come with them somewhere else-if you know you're gonna spend the evening in mixed company (male and female friends), bring your bros AND your girlfriend
Men who are in love are prepared to do a lot of stuff for their girlfriends. And thats OK. After some time if you realize that that girl does not appreciate your attention, stop being a pussy and stop treating her like she fell out from heaven. Its obvious: the harpy fell out for a reason. If i have zero tolerance for anything thats dumb people, and the insolent ones come right after them. If you stop treating her like a princess, she will: A - finally start acting like she should, or B - leave you and find another idiot whos, unlike you, spineless. In any case, to treat a girl like a princess she must act like one, and not some kind of a slave driver.
In the end remains a question: what to do with those that are born "whipped" and turn normal girls into these idiots? Women are amazing creatures, but with one fatal flaw. They sometimes let the men ruin them. And in the end its all "panta rei", an enchanted circle.