Matriks: fikcija ili metafora? Koliko je svet u kome zivimo danas razlicit od na prvi pogled potpuno fiktivnog sveta masina gde su poslednji borci za ljudska prava primorani da se krecu u podzemlju? Povlacim paralelu, delim uloge. Masine koje kontrolisu vecinu ljudske populacije su svetske sile. Vecina ljudske populacije je u obe realnosti upravo to: vecina ljudske populacije (citaj: stado ovaca). Super-kopmpjuter koji govori masinama sta da rade su sive eminencije koje stoje iza vlada svetskih sila, pojednici koji kontrolisu svet i sve sto se nalazi u njemu, koji uspevaju da zadrze status "mita" uspomoc medija, obmana, reziranih ratova, nepostojecih kriza, dugova, propagande i marioneta na visokim polozajima.
Najveci uspeh ovih diktatora iz senke je stvaranje iluzije da svet vode manje inteligentni ljudi i da je razlog za to cisto brojno stanje. Inteligentnih ima manje, prema tome svet vode manje inteligentni, zar ne? Pogresno. Ono sto se desava je da inteligentni vladaju inteligentnima lukavo koristeci lutkarsko pozoriste manje inteligentnih. Lutkarsko pozoriste posrednika u poslu svetske dominacije. Do te mere smo kao rasa napredovali u razvijanju orudja, da bismo na kraju shvatili da je sam covek ultimativno orudje.
Nije potrebna kompjuterska simulacija projektovana direktno u vas mozak da biste ziveli u Matriksu, lakse je napraviti Matriks od sveta vec ispunjenog ljudima.
Jedina uloga koja ostaje nepodeljena je sacica boraca za istinsku slobodu, pitanje je samo mozemo li osloboditi dovoljno umova?
"Niko nije beznadeznije porobljen od onih koji lazno veruju da su slobodni." - Johan Volfgang Gete
Matrix: fiction or a metaphor? How different is the world that we live in today then the, at the first glance, completely fictional world of machines in which the last freedom fighters are compelled to live underground. Draw a parallel, cast the roles. Machines that control most of the human population are world powers. Most of the human population in both realities is exactly that: most of the human population (read: a flock of sheep). Super-computer that orders machines what to do are the grey eminences behind the governments of world powers, individuals who control the world and everything in it, individuals who manage to maintain the status of "myth" using media, deception, engineered wars, non-existing crisis, debts, propaganda and puppets on high positions.
The biggest success of these dictators from the shadow is creating an illusion that the world is in control of the less intelligent people and that the reason for that is mere numbers. Intelligent people are a minority, hence the world is lead by the less intelligent ones, right? Wrong. What really happens is that the intelligent people are ruling over other intelligent people, cunningly using a puppet theater of the less intelligent. A puppet theater of middlemen in the world domination business. We as a race, have perfected tool making so much, and in the end we realized that the ultimate tool is the man himself.
There's no need for a computer simulation to be projected directly into your brain for you to live in the Matrix, it was easier to make a Matrix out of the existing world already filled with people.
The only role left to cast is a handful of true freedom fighters, the question is can we free enough minds?
"None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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