Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Ziveo si u zemlji snova, Neo." / "You've been living in a dreamworld, Neo."


     Matriks: fikcija ili metafora? Koliko je svet u kome zivimo danas razlicit od na prvi pogled potpuno fiktivnog sveta masina gde su poslednji borci za ljudska prava primorani da se krecu u podzemlju? Povlacim paralelu, delim uloge. Masine koje kontrolisu vecinu ljudske populacije su svetske sile. Vecina ljudske populacije je u obe realnosti upravo to: vecina ljudske populacije (citaj: stado ovaca). Super-kopmpjuter koji govori masinama sta da rade su sive eminencije koje stoje iza vlada svetskih sila, pojednici koji kontrolisu svet i sve sto se nalazi u njemu, koji uspevaju da zadrze status "mita" uspomoc medija, obmana, reziranih ratova, nepostojecih kriza, dugova, propagande i marioneta na visokim polozajima.
     Najveci uspeh ovih diktatora iz senke je stvaranje iluzije da svet vode manje inteligentni ljudi i da je razlog za to cisto brojno stanje. Inteligentnih ima manje, prema tome svet vode manje inteligentni, zar ne? Pogresno. Ono sto se desava je da inteligentni vladaju inteligentnima lukavo koristeci lutkarsko pozoriste manje inteligentnih. Lutkarsko pozoriste posrednika u poslu svetske dominacije. Do te mere smo kao rasa napredovali u razvijanju orudja, da bismo na kraju shvatili da je sam covek ultimativno orudje.
     Nije potrebna kompjuterska simulacija projektovana direktno u vas mozak da biste ziveli u Matriksu, lakse je napraviti Matriks od sveta vec ispunjenog ljudima.

     Jedina uloga koja ostaje nepodeljena je sacica boraca za istinsku slobodu, pitanje je samo mozemo li osloboditi dovoljno umova?

"Niko nije beznadeznije porobljen od onih koji lazno veruju da su slobodni." - Johan Volfgang Gete


     Matrix: fiction or a metaphor? How different is the world that we live in today then the, at the first glance, completely fictional world of machines in which the last freedom fighters are compelled to live underground. Draw a parallel, cast the roles. Machines that control most of the human population are world powers. Most of the human population in both realities is exactly that: most of the human population (read: a flock of sheep). Super-computer that orders machines what to do are the grey eminences behind the governments of world powers, individuals who control the world and everything in it, individuals who manage to maintain the status of "myth" using media, deception, engineered wars, non-existing crisis, debts, propaganda and puppets on high positions.
     The biggest success of these dictators from the shadow is creating an illusion that the world is in control of the less intelligent people and that the reason for that is mere numbers. Intelligent people are a minority, hence the world is lead by the less intelligent ones, right? Wrong. What really happens is that the intelligent people are ruling over other intelligent people, cunningly using a puppet theater of the less intelligent. A puppet theater of middlemen in the world domination business. We as a race, have perfected tool making so much, and in the end we realized that the ultimate tool is the man himself.
     There's no need for a computer simulation to be projected directly into your brain for you to live in the Matrix, it was easier to make a Matrix out of the existing world already filled with people.

     The only role left to cast is a handful of true freedom fighters, the question is can we free enough minds?

"None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Insomnija 101 / Insomnia 101

Oko posmatraca, sedmi post:

Nikad nisam mogao da spavam u "vreme spavanja". Istina, nikad nisam hteo da budem klise i da se uklapam u neku opste-prihvacenu, nametnutu "normalu", ali ovo nema nikakve veze sa mojim decijim/tinejdzerskim/odraslim buntom. Noc za mene nije, kao za vecinu ljudi, vreme kad iskljucim mozak i odmaram telo. Naprotiv. To je period dana kada mi se slike u glavi iskristalisu, kada su najjasnije. To je period dana kada sam i fizicki najaktivniji. Mnogi nazivaju ovo poremecajem, ja bih pre rekao da je evolucijski normalna stvar.

Nekad smo ziveli u pecini i s'obzirom da ne vidimo dobro u mraku najnormalnija stvar je bila da se sklupcamo, cekamo da svetlost ponovo dodje sa neba i nadamo se da nas nesto sto ima bolji vid ne pojede u medjuvremenu. Svaki dan od tada pa do danas je pobeda inteligencije nad vidom. Jer to je ono sto nas odvaja od zivotinja. Um treba da vlada nad culima, a ne obrnuto. Zivimo u vremenu kada sami stvaramo stvari koje nam trebaju i svetlost je sigurno jedna od najvaznijih. Zato volim da razmisljam o "insomnijacima" kao o pionirima evolucije. Noc je za mene vreme kada se sve utisa, a opet se sve cuje. Vreme kada sam ucio da ne ponavljam godinu. Vreme kada vezbam, kada mi um udje i hiperaktivno stanje. Vreme kada sam naj. Vreme kada sam napisao sve prosle postove.

Sa druge strane, to sto sam nocna osoba ne znaci da ne volim dan, Sunce, toplotu... Nisam u tom vampirskom, u danasnje vreme toliko popularnom fazonu. Cak i jutra umeju da budu prijatna iako sam uglavnom jedva pri sebi od neispavanosti. I opet znam da cu, bez obzira na to koliko mi se spava ujutru, uvece opet biti u svom elementu a ne u svom krevetu.


Eye of the beholder, post seven:

I could never sleep when it was "sleeping time". I never wanted to be a cliche and to fit in with some widely-accepted, imposed "normal behavior", but this has nothing to do with my childhood/adolescent/adult rebellion. Night for me isn't the time when I shutdown my brain and rest mu body, like it is for most people. On the contrary. Its a period when pictures in my head are crystal-clear, when they're the sharpest. It's also the period when I'm physically most active. Many people call this a disorder, I would rather call it an evolutionary normal thing.

We use to live in caves and considering we can't see very well in the dark it was normal to curl up, wait for the light to come again from the sky and hope not to get eaten by something with better eye sight. From that time until today, every day has been a victory of intelligence over eye sight. Because thats what separates us from the animals. Mind should rule our senses, not the other way around. We live in a time when we create things that we need and light is definitely one of the most important ones. Thats why I like to think about "insomniacs" as pioneers of evolution. Night for me is the time when everything goes quiet, and yet I can hear everything. The time when I studied so I wouldn't flunk the year. The time when I work out, when my mind goes hyperactive. The time when I'm "the most". The time when I wrote all the past posts.

On the other hand, me being a person of the night doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of daylight, the Sun, warmth... I'm not into that vampire, these days so popular, stuff. Even mornings can be pleasant, although I'm almost always barely myself due to lack of sleep. And again I know that, despite how much I'm tired in the morning, when the night comes I'll be in my element and not in my bed.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mentalni trening / Mental training

Oko posmatraca, sesti post:

Nase istinsko lice se najjasnije prikazuje kroz podsvesne akcije. Sta to znaci? Kada moras da doneses odluku u delicu sekunde, onda postupas po svom licnom nahodjenju, slobodan od svih spoljasnjih uticaja. Ali sta ako ne zelis da budes osoba kakva si sada? Sta ako zelis da se promenis?

Nista nije definitivno, pa ni nase osnovne reakcije. Svako ko je dovoljno uporan moze da postane sta god pozeli. Stvar je u tome sto se covek, ako mu se nesto dovoljno puta desi, navikne na to.  Da nismo sposobni za takve adaptacije, sumnjam da bi bili na vrhu lanca ishrane. Ali umesto da cekamo nesto da se desi dovoljno puta da nas promeni, mozemo to da simuliramo u svojim mislima. Ako sebi milion puta kazete nesto, na kraju cete ubediti same sebe da je to istina. Predmet vaseg razmisljanja postaje realnost.

Pitanje je zasto bi ovo radili? Zasto bi menjali ono sto jesmo? Zato sto niko od nas nije savrsen, ali kao vrsta imamo teznju ka tome. Opsesija nam je ubrzana evolucija. Tehnologija nam se razvija sve vecom brzinom a to samo pokazuje kolika je nasa zelja za savrsenstvom. Sta ako ne smete da se suprotstavite kad vas neko maltretira fizicki, prishicki ili verbalno? Sta ako vi nekoga maltretira nesvesno, a ne zelite da budete takva osoba? Sta ako ste stidljivi? Sta ako ste previse agresivni? Ili temperamentni? Ili ljubomorni?

Nemojte biti produkt vase okoline, neka vasa okolina bude produkt vas. Trenirajte.


Eye of the beholder, post six:

Our true face is shown through our subconscious actions. What does that mean? When you have to make a decision in split second, you act without thinking by your personal conviction, free from all outside influences. But what if you don't want to be a person that you are now? What if you want to change?

Nothing is final, not even our base reactions. Anyone who is persistent enough can become whatever he wants. The thing is, if something happens enough times to us, we get use to it. If we weren't capable for such adaptations, I doubt we would be on the very top of the food chain. But instead waiting for something to happen enough times to change us, we can simulate it in our minds. If you repeat something million times, in the end you'll convince yourself its true. The object of your thoughts become reality.

Why would you do this? Why would you change who you are? Because no one is perfect, but our species has a strong tendency towards perfection. Our obsession is rapid evolution. Our technology is developing faster by the day and that only shows how grand is our desire for perfection. What if you can't stand up to someone who's abusing you physically, mentally or verbally? What if you're abusing someone unconsciously, and you don't want to be that person anymore? What if you're too shy? Or aggressive? Or jealous?

Don't be a product of your environment, let your environment be a product of you. Train.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tragikomicna gramatika / Tragicomic grammar

Oko posmatraca, peti post:

Klasican primer ironije: tehnologija koje je proizvod naseg intelekta nas zaglupljuje iz generacije u generaciju. Precizinije, a i relevantnije za ovaj post, receno: mediji koji bi trebalo da unaprede komunikaciju cine da jezih postane ne uproscen, vec osakacen. Danas je uspeh ako umes da sastavis prosto-prosirenu recenicu, a kamoli nesto vise od toga.

Da pocnem od toga sta me je navelo da napisem ovaj post. Imao sam ga u planu, ali je bio daleko od vrha liste potencijalnih tema. To jest, sve dok se na jednoj popularnoj socijalnoj mrezi nije pojavio N.N. sa svojim komentarom. Situacija je sledeca: jedan od mojih prijatelja postavlja na profil pesmu zajedno sa komentarom na engleskom jeziku. Jedan od prijatelja mog prijatelja, gore navedeni N.N. komentarise, citiram: "Sta to pises na engleskom jesi srbin il nisi". E, moj Srbine. Pripadnici naroda, a narocito tvog s'obzirom da si "patriota", se pisu velikim pocetnim slovom. Interpunkciju necu ni da spominjem, ovakvi imbecili ne znaju ni zancenje te reci. "Jesi"? Predpostavljam da je hteo da kaze "Jel' si?", mada je pitanje da li je uoste znao sta hoce da kaze. Kod ovakvih primata komunikacija funkcionise na instinktivnom nivou. Ako je N.N. "pravi" Srbin, plasim se da mi ne gine emigriranje.

Kasnije tog dana, na istoj socijalnoj mrezi, prolanalazim grupu pod nazivom "boze, danice" zasnovanu na izjavi jednog deteta za neku emisiju na televiziji. Da li je moguce da osnivac grupe ne zna da se imena bozanstava i licna imena pisu velikim  pocetnim slovom? Ili samo misli da nije bitno da li je nesto pravilno napisano samo zato sto je to "nesto" pisao na Internetu?

Da li zakoni gramatike prestaju da vaze pri prelazu sa papira na racunar? Razmislite o tome sledeci put kada zamenite slovo "v" sa "w" u recenici na srpskom jeziku.


Eye of the beholder, post five:

Classic example of irony: the technology that is a product of our intellect makes us dumber, generation to generation. To be more precise, and more relevant to this post: the media that are supposed to upgrade our communication do not simplify language, they butcher it. If you are able to put togather a compund sentence is considered a success these days.

<In the Serbian version of the post, I wrote some examples of poor writing in Serbian. Considering its about Serbian grammar, most of it wouldn't make sense in English so I'll have to skip that part in English version of the post.>

Some people don't care much for grammar when they write something on social networks, others are just illiterate. But you have to ask your self: are the grammar rules less important just because we don't use paper anymore?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Zongliranje licnostima / Juggling personalities

Oko posmatraca, cetvrti post:

Ko sam ja? “Bloger Djoksa”? Da li vec u sledecem trenutku postajem “ortak Djoksa” ili mozda “decko Djoksa”? Trudim se da sve “verzije” mene budu ista osoba. Nesto sto, koliko vidim u ljudima oko sebe, vecini ne polazi za rukom. Koliko stvarno ljudima uspeva da sacuvaju svoje “ja” u ovoj igri prilagodjavanja situacijama i skrivanja pod maskama? Mislim da kljuc uspesnosti u bilo cemu ne zavisi toliko od toga kakvu sliku uspemo da stvorimo o sebi, vec od toga koliko u svakoj “veziji” nas stvarno ima – nas.

Poslednjih dana posmatram ljude i situacije. Razlicite situacije u kojima isti ljudi postaju razliciti ljudi. To nije adaptacija. To nije druga strana iste licnosti. To je samo licemerje. Ti ljudi su licemeri. Ljudi bez integriteta, stavova, misljenja i slobodne volje. Ljigavi individualci koji klimaju glavom i slazu se sa svime sto sagovornik iznese pred njih. Mozda bas vasi najbolji prijatelji, bar dok ste okrenuti ka njima. Dno dna socijale dzungle.

Koliko god da ih prezirem, jednu stvar izvlacim kao pouku iz ponasanja licemera. Sve delove svoje licnosti, koliko je god to moguce, pokusavam sto vise da uklopim u jednu personu. U razlicitim situacijama koristim razlicite strane svoje licnosti, ali ostajem ista osoba. Ne postoji “Bloger Djoksa” ni “ortak Djoksa” ni “decko Djoksa”. Postoji samo Djoksa. Zongliram svojim osobinama, nikad licnostima.

I na kraju, predpostavljajuci da niste licemer, ostaje samo pitanje koliko ste sebe spremni da otkrijete nekome.


Eye of the beholder, post four:

Who am I? “Djoksa the blogger”? Do I become “Djoksa the friend” or maybe “Djoksa the boyfriend” the next moment? I try to fit in every “version” of me into the same person. Something that, at least judging by those around me, most people don’t do. How much of their inner self can people save in this game of adjusting to different sitations and hiding under masks? I don’t think being succesfull in anything depends that much on what image we create about our selves, it’s more how much of us is really in every “version” of us.

Last few days I’ve been watching people and situations. Different situations in which the same people become different people. That’s not an adaptation. That’s not a different side of a same personality. That’s just hypocrisy. Those people are hypocrites. People with no integrity, no opinions and no free will. Slimey individuals who nod their heads at anything that another person brings up in a conversation. Maybe your best friends, at least while you’re facing them. The very bottom of the social jungle.

As much as I despise hypocrits, theres one thing that I can learn from their behavior. I try, as much as I can, to combine all the different parts of my personality into this one person. I use different sides of that one personality in different sitations, and yet remain the same person. There is no “Djoksa the blogger” or “Djoksa the friend” or “Djoksa the boyfriend”. Theres only Djoksa. I juggle my features, never personalities.

And finally, assuming youre not a hypocrite, the only question is how much of your personality are you willing to reveal to someone.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Papuchar / Whipped

Oko posmatraca, treci post:

Hipoteticka situacija: devojka dolazi kod momka posle dugog "radnog" dana. On je i pored svog dugog radnog dana nasmejan jer je jedva docekao da vidi svoju devojku. Ona, sa druge strane, je namrstena, sve je nervira i jedva je docekala da se istrese na nekome. On zeli da je poljubi, ali ona pomera glavu u stranu, jer kome je do poljubaca kad ima bitnijih stvari kao sto su vecera, telefoniranje i gledanje omiljene spanske serije? U tom trenutku on, slep za njeno sikaniranje, prinosi sve sto joj treba ukljucujuci i njene roze pufnaste papuce. Da li se ovo stvarno deslio? Da li je neko prisustvovao ovom istorijskom trenutku? Da li je lik bio svestan da svojim akcijama zigose hiljade muskaraca na planeti? Najverovatnije nikad necemo saznati. U svakom slucaju, mit je rodjen.

Postoji jedan u svakom drustvu. Vecina muskaraca je iskusilo to. Slep za sve osim za potrebe svoje lepse polovine. Papucar u svakom smislu te reci. Papucar voli svoju devojku vise nego sto ona voli njega. Papucar voli svoju devojku daleko vise nego sto voli sebe. Devojka mu je na prvom, drugom i trecem mestu. Daleko ispred njegovih prijatelja, porodice i naravno njegovih sopstvenih potreba koje ona, za razliku od njega, konstantno zanemaruje. Ali sve to njemu nije bitno. Jer bilo sta sto dolazi od nje, pa makar i gazenje, njega cini srecnim. Ali, da li je on stvarno srecan? Zar ne moze da sagleda stvari objektivno? Zar ne vidi da se ponasa kao da mu je neko isprao mozak? Zar ne vidi da biva iskoriscen na najbezobrazniji moguci nacin? Zar ga nije briga sto se udaljuje od svojih najblizih prijatelja?

Ako si papucar evo ti par jednostavnih saveta kako da ispostujes I drugove I devojku:
-ako te ortaci negde pozovu i unapred se zna da ce biti samo musko drustvo, nemoj da povedes devoku
-ako te devojka pozove da izadjete, nemoj da vodis drugove osim ako nije u pitanju drugi par
-ako vec imas dogovor sa drugovima, nemoj da ga ih ispalis jer te je devojka pozvala negde
-ako imas dogovor sa devojkom, nemoj da je ispalis jer te drugovi zovu negde
-ako znas da ces biti u mesovitom drustvu, mozes da pozoves i devojku i drugove

Naravno, ko je zaljubljen spreman je da radi svasta za devojku. I to u redu. Ako posle nekog vremena vidis da devojka ne ceni tvoje postupke prestani da budes mekusac i prestani da je tretiras kao da je ispala iz raja. Ocigledno je harpija ispala sa razlogom. Ako nesto ne tolerisem to su glupih ljudi, a oni bezobrazni su sigurno sledeci na listi. Samim tim sto si prestao da je tretiras kao princezu, ona ce ili: A - konacno poceti da se ponasa normalno, ili B - ostaviti te i naci nekog drugog idiota koji za razliku od tebe nema kicmu. U svakom slucaju da bi devojku tretirao kao princezu, mora da BUDE princeza, a ne neki robovlasnik.

Za kraj ostaje pitanje sta raditi sa onima koji su sami po sebi papucari i od normalnih devojaka naprave ovakve idiote?  Zene su neverovatna bica, ali imaju jednu fatalnu manu. Ne mogu same po sebi da budu toliko lose, koliko mogu da dozvole muskarcu da ih pokvari. I onda je sve "panta rei". Zacarani krug.


Eye of the beholder, post three:

Hypothetical situation: a girl walks in her boyfriends home after, lets say, long day at work. Hes smiling despite his tiring long day, because he waited all day to see her. She ,on the other hand, is frowned, everything irritates her and cant wait to release her stress on someone. He goes for a kiss but she turns her head. Who wants to kiss when theres more important stuff like dinner, making phone calls and watching her favorite soap opera? Hes blind for her lack of appreciation, and he brings her everything she needs including her fluffy pink slippers. Did this ever really happened? Did someone witness this historic moment? Was this guy aware hes branding millions of men on the planet? We'll probably never know. In any case, a myth was born.
Theres one in every group of friends. Most men have experienced it. Men blind for everything else except their girlfriends needs. Men that are "whipped" in every sense of the word. A whipped man loves his girlfriend more then she loves him. A whipped man has far more love love for his girlfriend then for himself. His girlfriend comes first, second and third for him. Far more important then his friends, family and of course his own needs that she, unlike him, constantly disregards. But all that doesn't matter to him. Because everything that comes from her makes him happy, even if it means letting her walking all over him. But is he truly happy? Cant he see things objectively? Cant he see that hes behaving like hes brainwashed? Cant he see that hes being used in the most insolent way? Doesn't he care that hes drifting away from his closest friends?
If you are whipped heres a few advices on how to keep respecting your friends AND your girlfriend:-if you make plans to go out with your bros and its gonna be "men-only", don't bring your girlfriend-if you make plans with your girlfriend, don't bring anyone else unless its another couple-if you already made plans with your bros, don't stand them up just because you girl wants you to come see her-if you already made plans with your girl, don't stand her up just because your bros want you to come with them somewhere else-if you know you're gonna spend the evening in mixed company (male and female friends), bring your bros AND your girlfriend
Men who are in love are prepared to do a lot of stuff for their girlfriends. And thats OK. After some time if you realize that that girl does not appreciate your attention, stop being a pussy and stop treating her like she fell out from heaven. Its obvious: the harpy fell out for a reason. If i have zero tolerance for anything thats dumb people, and the insolent ones come right after them. If you stop treating her like a princess, she will: A - finally start acting like she should, or B - leave you and find another idiot whos, unlike you, spineless. In any case, to treat a girl like a princess she must act like one, and not some kind of a slave driver.
In the end remains a question: what to do with those that are born "whipped" and turn normal girls into these idiots? Women are amazing creatures, but with one fatal flaw. They sometimes let the men ruin them.  And in the end its all "panta rei", an enchanted circle.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tesna prestonica / Overcrowded capital

Oko posmatraca, drugi post:

Ne znam zasto bi iko trcao na so ali, sudeci po nasim narodnim umotvorinama, Beograd je jedna ogromna solana. 235.000 ljudi za samo 9 godina. I to su samo oni prijavljeni. Koliko ih samo ima na "produzenim studijama" (citaj: prestali da uce, zive kao podstanari i rade honorarno). Po svemu sudeci Beograd ima daleko vise od zvanicnih milion i po stanovnika.

Prvi problem prenaseljenosti u prestonici su ljudi koji se doseljavaju iz inostranstva. Nepotrebno je da kazem da retko ko od njih ima srpsko drzavljanstvo. S'obzirom da nisu vanzemaljci (samo van-srbijanci) ne mogu da zive od vazduha. Pitanje koje se namece je: zasto je stranim drzavljanima dozvoljeno da se zaposle ovde? Zar ima viska radnih mesta? Poslednji put kada sam cuo rec "nezaposlenost" na televiziji definitivno nije bila pored reci "opadanje" u recenici, situacija je sasvim suprotna. Tu negde spada i problem sa crnogorskim studentima, koji mogu da studiraju po istim pravilima kao i domaci studenti. Koja je poenta placanja skolovanja stranim drzavljanima? To, ako nista drugo, nije pravedno prema studentima iz ostalih inostranih zemalja, u odnosu na koje crnogorci imaju povlascen status. Na kraju krajeva, sta mislite gde ce ti studenti da odu po zavrsetku studija? Nigde. Ili, mozda je bolje reci, na radno mesto koje je mogao da dobije neko ko ima srpsko drzavljanstvo.

Drugi problem predstavljaju ljudi koji dolaze iz ostatka Srbije da zive u Beogradu. Ljudi koji najcesce dolaze pod paravanom studija i nikad se vise ne vrate u rodno mesto. I dok sela i manja mesta nestaju, prestonica je sve tesnija. Naravno po zavrsetku studija tu je rodjak da obezbedi posao, ili pak tata proda par jutara zemlje da se osigura radno mesto. Posle isti ti ljudi liju suze sto je njihov zavicaj sada albanski zavicaj, i psuju vlast sto se ne izbori za srpsko parce zemlje. Nazalost, to parce zemlje je prestalo da bude srpsko kad su Srbi odlucili da zapale severno, a ne kad je proglasena tamo neka polu-priznata nezavisnost. A brzinom kojom se ljudi doseljavaju u prestonicu, uskoro cemo postati grad-drzava. Ne znam da li su nase "vodje" slepe pored ociju ili jednostavno imaju neku dobit od svega ovoga, ali izgleda da se nista ne preduzima.

Da se razumemo, nisam ja neki nacista koji mrzi sve strance, niti sam nadrkani Beogradjanin koji misli da je bolji od bilo koga iz unutrasnjosti jer zivi u glavnom gradu. Jednostavno moraju da postoje neka pravila. Ko hoce da dodje iz inostranstva da zivi i radi u Srbiji i Beogradu, mora da uzme srpsko drzavljanstvo. Ionako ih prakticno poklanjamo, skoro i da ne postoje uslovi za dobijanje istih. I ne moze se dozvoliti da se celokupna populacija Srbije "spakuje" u jedan grad.

I na kraju, sto bi rekao Petar Kralj: "Sta je sa 500 miliona neprijavljenih kineza? Oni kopaju tunele, kopaju rupe do Moskve, do Pariza, do Londona, do Vasingtona. Ko je srusio berlinski zid, ko je izvrsio privatizaciju u Slovackoj i gde Isusova ruka?" :)


Eye of the beholder, post two:

I dont know if anyone can run like the wind or its just an expression, but it seems like the people who are moving to live in Belgrade are coming at that exact speed. 235.000 people in just 9 years. And those are just the ones that are registered. How many of them are here on "extended studies" (stopped studying, renting apartments and working part time). Judging by this, Belgrade has far more then the official 1.5 million inhabitants.

The first problem that causes overpopulation in Belgrade are the people that move in from abroad. Its needless to say that not many of them choose to become Serbian citizens. Considering they're not extra-terrestrial (just extra-Serbian) they cannot survive on air only. The imposing question is: why are foreign citizens allowed to find a job here? Do we lack the work power? Last time I heard the word "unemployment" on the television it was definitely not next the word "decreasing" in the sentence, on the contrary it was the opposite situation. There is also the problem with montenegrin students. They can get scholarships and be financed out of state budget, even though they're foreign citizens. Whats the point in putting foreigners through our schools? Why do montenegrin students have more options then all the other foreign students who dont have the right to apply for government paid studies? And when they finish their studies, where do you think they're gonna go? Nowhere. They're gonna get a job that some serbian citizen should have.

The second problem are the people that move to Belgrade from other parts of Serbia. People that come to study at Belgrade schools and never return to their hometowns. While the small towns and villages disappear, the capital is getting overcrowded. And of course, when they graduate (or drop out), they have a cousin to get them a job, or their daddy just sells few acres of land to pay for them to get one. And then you can hear those same people whining about their home towns being taken over by albanians, and cursing the government for not fighting for serbain land. Unfortunately, that sebian land ceased to be serbian when the serbs decided to pack their stuff up and move north, not when some semi-recognized independence was proclaimed. And judging by the speed that are people moving to the capital, were soon to become a city-state. I dont know if our "leaders" are blind or they just have some way to profit out of all this, but they seem to be doing nothing.

Im not sure if people will understand my message so im gonna make it clear, Im not some kind of nazi who hates all foreigners or some full-of-myself Belgrader who thinks hes better then someone just because he lives in the capital city. Im just saying we need to set some ground rules. If someone from another country wants to come to live and work in Belgrade or in Serbia, he needs to get serbian citizenship. Were practicly giving them away, theres almost no requirements. And we cant let the whole population of Serbia squeeze into one city.

Finally, in the words of Petar Kralj: "Whats with 500 million of unregistered Chinese? They dig tunnels, they dig holes all the way to Moscow, to Paris, to London, to Washington. Who took down the Berlin wall, who privatized Slovakia and wheres the hand of Jesus?" :)
(Serbian comedy film "Kad porastem bicu kengur")

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Uvod u "Oko posmatraca" / Introduction to "Eye of the beholder"

Oko posmatraca, prvi post: 

Ko sam ja?
Domorodac "urbane" sredine na uscu dveju reka, ispod Avale poznatije u sirokim narodnim masama kao Beograd. Neki bi rekli jos uvek zelen, skoro 22 godine super-star novopeceni bloger, zaposlen na odredjeno u jos-malo-pa-privatnoj drzavnoj firmi.
Ko nisam?
Nisam hejter, internet trol, kukavicar, padavicar ili neko ko pljuje po svemu samo da bi pljuvao po svemu.
Zasto blogujem?
Iz istog razloga iz koga vi sada citate ovaj blog. Misljenja. Svi smo mi posmatraci i svi imamo svoj ugao. Da li je tvoj ugao - moj ugao? Ako nije, zasto nije? Nemoguce je da u gradu od preko milion ipo stanovnika, u drzavi od preko 7 miliona stanovnika jedinstveno razmisljam o stvarima koje vidjam svaki dan. Sta VAMA prolazi kroz glavu? Isto sto i meni? Sasvim moguce.
O cemu cu pricati u blogu?
O stvarima sa kojima se svakodnevno sudaram. O svemu sto vidim i svemu sto ne vidim. O svacemu i nicemu. O zanimljivim temama i onim dosadnim na zanimljiv nacin.
Kako da se ukljucite?
Ostavljajte komentare. Uvek sam za slobodu govora ali komentari tipa "UBIJ <unesite nacionalnost>, SMRT <unesi rasu>" pozivi na linc i slicni ratni usklici nece biti tolerisani. Mailujte me. Saljite mi vasa zapazanja, teme, kritike... Otvorenog sam uma i o svemu imam misljenje.

Ima li koga?


Eye of the beholder, post one:

Who am I?
A native of the "urban" environment on confluence of two rivers, beneath Avala mountain, also known as Belgrade. Some people would say im still green, yet allmost 22 years super-old rookie blogger, not permanently employed in soon-to-be privatized goverment company.
Who I am not?
Im not a hater, internet troll, whiner, epileptic or someone who trash-talks everything just to trash-talk everything.
Why do I blog?
Same reason that you are reading it right now. Opinions. We're all observers and we all have our angles of observation. Is your angle - my angle? If not, why not? In the city with population over 1.5 million, in the country with population over 7 million, its impossible that my opinions are unique, opinions about things that I see every day. What goes on in YOUR head? Same things that go on in my head? Possibly.
What will I discus in my blog?
Things that I collide with every day. Things that I see and things that I dont see. Everything and nothing. Interesting subjects and boring ones discused in an interesting way.
How can you participate?
Leave comments. Im pro-freedom of speech, but comments containing, for example "KILL <insert nationality>, DEATH TO <insert race>", calls to violence and similar warcries will not be tolerated. E-mail me. Im interested in your observations, subjects, critics... Im open minded, and have an opinion on everything.

Is there anybody out there?