Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tesna prestonica / Overcrowded capital

Oko posmatraca, drugi post:

Ne znam zasto bi iko trcao na so ali, sudeci po nasim narodnim umotvorinama, Beograd je jedna ogromna solana. 235.000 ljudi za samo 9 godina. I to su samo oni prijavljeni. Koliko ih samo ima na "produzenim studijama" (citaj: prestali da uce, zive kao podstanari i rade honorarno). Po svemu sudeci Beograd ima daleko vise od zvanicnih milion i po stanovnika.

Prvi problem prenaseljenosti u prestonici su ljudi koji se doseljavaju iz inostranstva. Nepotrebno je da kazem da retko ko od njih ima srpsko drzavljanstvo. S'obzirom da nisu vanzemaljci (samo van-srbijanci) ne mogu da zive od vazduha. Pitanje koje se namece je: zasto je stranim drzavljanima dozvoljeno da se zaposle ovde? Zar ima viska radnih mesta? Poslednji put kada sam cuo rec "nezaposlenost" na televiziji definitivno nije bila pored reci "opadanje" u recenici, situacija je sasvim suprotna. Tu negde spada i problem sa crnogorskim studentima, koji mogu da studiraju po istim pravilima kao i domaci studenti. Koja je poenta placanja skolovanja stranim drzavljanima? To, ako nista drugo, nije pravedno prema studentima iz ostalih inostranih zemalja, u odnosu na koje crnogorci imaju povlascen status. Na kraju krajeva, sta mislite gde ce ti studenti da odu po zavrsetku studija? Nigde. Ili, mozda je bolje reci, na radno mesto koje je mogao da dobije neko ko ima srpsko drzavljanstvo.

Drugi problem predstavljaju ljudi koji dolaze iz ostatka Srbije da zive u Beogradu. Ljudi koji najcesce dolaze pod paravanom studija i nikad se vise ne vrate u rodno mesto. I dok sela i manja mesta nestaju, prestonica je sve tesnija. Naravno po zavrsetku studija tu je rodjak da obezbedi posao, ili pak tata proda par jutara zemlje da se osigura radno mesto. Posle isti ti ljudi liju suze sto je njihov zavicaj sada albanski zavicaj, i psuju vlast sto se ne izbori za srpsko parce zemlje. Nazalost, to parce zemlje je prestalo da bude srpsko kad su Srbi odlucili da zapale severno, a ne kad je proglasena tamo neka polu-priznata nezavisnost. A brzinom kojom se ljudi doseljavaju u prestonicu, uskoro cemo postati grad-drzava. Ne znam da li su nase "vodje" slepe pored ociju ili jednostavno imaju neku dobit od svega ovoga, ali izgleda da se nista ne preduzima.

Da se razumemo, nisam ja neki nacista koji mrzi sve strance, niti sam nadrkani Beogradjanin koji misli da je bolji od bilo koga iz unutrasnjosti jer zivi u glavnom gradu. Jednostavno moraju da postoje neka pravila. Ko hoce da dodje iz inostranstva da zivi i radi u Srbiji i Beogradu, mora da uzme srpsko drzavljanstvo. Ionako ih prakticno poklanjamo, skoro i da ne postoje uslovi za dobijanje istih. I ne moze se dozvoliti da se celokupna populacija Srbije "spakuje" u jedan grad.

I na kraju, sto bi rekao Petar Kralj: "Sta je sa 500 miliona neprijavljenih kineza? Oni kopaju tunele, kopaju rupe do Moskve, do Pariza, do Londona, do Vasingtona. Ko je srusio berlinski zid, ko je izvrsio privatizaciju u Slovackoj i gde Isusova ruka?" :)


Eye of the beholder, post two:

I dont know if anyone can run like the wind or its just an expression, but it seems like the people who are moving to live in Belgrade are coming at that exact speed. 235.000 people in just 9 years. And those are just the ones that are registered. How many of them are here on "extended studies" (stopped studying, renting apartments and working part time). Judging by this, Belgrade has far more then the official 1.5 million inhabitants.

The first problem that causes overpopulation in Belgrade are the people that move in from abroad. Its needless to say that not many of them choose to become Serbian citizens. Considering they're not extra-terrestrial (just extra-Serbian) they cannot survive on air only. The imposing question is: why are foreign citizens allowed to find a job here? Do we lack the work power? Last time I heard the word "unemployment" on the television it was definitely not next the word "decreasing" in the sentence, on the contrary it was the opposite situation. There is also the problem with montenegrin students. They can get scholarships and be financed out of state budget, even though they're foreign citizens. Whats the point in putting foreigners through our schools? Why do montenegrin students have more options then all the other foreign students who dont have the right to apply for government paid studies? And when they finish their studies, where do you think they're gonna go? Nowhere. They're gonna get a job that some serbian citizen should have.

The second problem are the people that move to Belgrade from other parts of Serbia. People that come to study at Belgrade schools and never return to their hometowns. While the small towns and villages disappear, the capital is getting overcrowded. And of course, when they graduate (or drop out), they have a cousin to get them a job, or their daddy just sells few acres of land to pay for them to get one. And then you can hear those same people whining about their home towns being taken over by albanians, and cursing the government for not fighting for serbain land. Unfortunately, that sebian land ceased to be serbian when the serbs decided to pack their stuff up and move north, not when some semi-recognized independence was proclaimed. And judging by the speed that are people moving to the capital, were soon to become a city-state. I dont know if our "leaders" are blind or they just have some way to profit out of all this, but they seem to be doing nothing.

Im not sure if people will understand my message so im gonna make it clear, Im not some kind of nazi who hates all foreigners or some full-of-myself Belgrader who thinks hes better then someone just because he lives in the capital city. Im just saying we need to set some ground rules. If someone from another country wants to come to live and work in Belgrade or in Serbia, he needs to get serbian citizenship. Were practicly giving them away, theres almost no requirements. And we cant let the whole population of Serbia squeeze into one city.

Finally, in the words of Petar Kralj: "Whats with 500 million of unregistered Chinese? They dig tunnels, they dig holes all the way to Moscow, to Paris, to London, to Washington. Who took down the Berlin wall, who privatized Slovakia and wheres the hand of Jesus?" :)
(Serbian comedy film "Kad porastem bicu kengur")

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